Digital Christmas
Capturing Family Rituals and the Passing of Time
Part of Daniela's strand of research on personal memories, this study looked at Christmas and the strings of memories it creates, within the family, from early childhood to old age.

The celebration is always across generations and everyone takes part. As the dynamic in the individuals and the family change, such as new partnership and newborn children, new rituals are created, often intentionally. What is conspicuously absent is technology, in all its form: banned from the family gathering to the point that even a phone call feels irritating.
This study was then the inspiration of a number of concepts for a range of interactive bespoke devices used to further explore if, and if so how, digital technology could help the creation of Christmas tradition and support the family celebration. Provocative prototypes were created and explored within the context of a Christmas workshop with some of the participants in the previous study.

A sound bauble was then deployed to the families the following year as a technology probe to further investigate the role of such devices within the family celebration.
Project dates
PETRELLI, Daniela and LIGHT, Ann (2014). Family rituals and the potential for interaction design: a study of Christmas. Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 21 (3), p. 16. PDF available here
PETRELLI, Daniela, BOWEN, Simon, DULAKE, Nick and LIGHT, Ann (2012). Digital Christmas: an exploration of festive technology. In: DIS '12 : Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference. New York, N.Y., ACM, 348-357.
LIGHT, Ann Light and PETRELLI, Daniela (2014). The rhythm of Christmas: temporality, ICT use and design for the idiosyncrasies of a major festival. In Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference on Designing Futures: the Future of Design (OzCHI '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 159-167.
Research by
Daniela Petrelli
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